02 July 2020

Enhancing cancer patients’ access to local health services

Do you work in the Loddon Mallee region? Take a short survey to help the Loddon Mallee Integrated Cancer Service (LMICS) understand more about dentists’ cancer knowledge and practice in the region.

LMICS is also interested to know if dentists perceive a need for additional education sessions related to cancer and oral health.

Dentists in the Loddon Malley region are invited to participate in the seven-minute survey. Click here to take the survey.

In this survey, you will also be invited to express your interest in participating in a service directory that cancer clinicians can access for referral purposes.

LMICS is the service improvement network for cancer in the Loddon Mallee region and operates out of Bendigo Health.

Cancer is both an acute and chronic disease experienced by many people in the Loddon Mallee region, with more than 2300 new cases of cancer diagnosed in 2017. Many patients with cancer experience specific dental health issues, but particularly patients with head and neck cancers. 

Thank you for assisting LMICS to explore options to enhance cancer patients’ access to local health services, and improve care coordination and referral pathways.