Contact us
Please contact the ADAVB office by completing our online enquiry form and choosing the relevant enquiry type.
We’re open 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday and we’d be happy to help.
Address: Level 3, 10 Yarra St, South Yarra VIC 3141
Phone: (03) 8825 4600
Online: Use our online enquiry form
Needlestick, sharps injuries and other exposures
In the event of a workplace blood or body fluid exposure, follow our Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Protocol and record the incident on your Incident Report.
If this is a high-risk exposure, to someone who is known or suspected to carry a Blood Borne Virus, contact one of the following hospitals to seek advice from an infectious disease physician (ask for the on-call infectious diseases registrar):
- Austin Hospital: (03) 9496 5000
- Alfred Hospital: (03) 9076 2000
- Royal Melbourne Hospital: (03) 9342 7000
- Monash Medical Centre: (03) 9594 6666
- St Vincent’s Hospital: (03) 9231 2211
- Western Health: (03) 8345 6666
- Northern Hospital: (03) 8405 8000
For other exposures that require medical support, contact the practice’s nominated medical facility or your own GP.